7 Steps to Become a Best in Class Employer

Title: 7 Steps to Become a Best in Class Employer

Tuesday, June 13th, 2017 | 1:00pm to 2:00pm EDT

Description:  Sage People is running a webinar with Talent Culture next Tuesday on how to become a best in class employer, where they’ll be looking in more detail at what makes a People Company – and how to spot one.  Talent Culture Founder and CEO, Meghan M. Biro, will be chatting with Sage People CMO, Paul Burrin, on how People Companies have transformed the concept of HR to one that focuses on people.  

It should be a really interesting discussion – as they’ll also be looking at things like the role of Chief People Officer, and how HR tech is leaving the need for spreadsheets behind. 

To learn more and register, click the button below.

The D&A Team
